In-Store Activation (LMT, IMT)
Our Services
In-Store Activation (LMT, IMT)
In store activations are the most effective tools for forming positive brand associations. The modern consumer has become so selective that traditional methods of advertising influence are often ineffective, especially when it comes to promoting a new product to the market.
According to some estimates, a modern metropolitan resident encounters 1.5 thousand advertising messages a day. Every minute we are bombarded with a stream of advertising: posters, billboards, videos. How to stand out from the crowd of competitive messages? A potential client’s eyes are already so blurred that it is difficult to surprise him and stay in his memory for a long time.
The LimeLite Creative team will come to the rescue. Our task is to convey your advertising message and encourage the consumer to purchase, appealing to his emotions.
We use all BTL tools, competently adapting your goals for each type of advertising impact; we attract only trained and competent personnel from our own base, because our motto is:
Leo Burnett